- What Are the Top 25 Educational Websites Students Actually Visit?
Each year, Kajeet takes a look at the top educational websites that students are utilizing most frequently to see which resources are resonating. Here is the 2023-24 list:
1. District Websites
Overall, students most frequently access the websites that are owned and managed by the school district. These websites often serve as a landing pad for students' online journeys pointing them to school-sponsored resources, school calendars, and webpages created by their teachers.
2. Clever.com
Clever.com simplifies the digital classroom experience by providing a single sign-on portal that grants students easy access to all their educational resources. This platform streamlines classroom management and enhances the learning process by consolidating tools and resources in one place.
3. Grammarly.comStart writing here...Grammarly.com has emerged as a highly utilized tool in K-12. It is a comprehensive writing assistant that helps students improve their grammar, clarity, and style with real-time feedback and suggestions.
4. ProdigyGame.com
ProdigyGame.com uses game-based learning to make math practice engaging and fun for students. Its personalized learning paths and interactive gameplay motivate students to improve their math skills.
5. Hapara.com
Hapara.com provides teachers with tools to manage digital classrooms effectively, offering features like student work management and real-time monitoring.
6. TestNav.com
TestNav.com is a secure online assessment platform used to administer standardized tests. It provides a reliable and user-friendly interface that supports both in-class and remote testing environments.Student Web Activity
The harshuu® platform was developed to meet this pressing need. Sentinel empowers education administrators with detailed, real-time metrics on student activity on the web. The robust filtering capabilities enabled by Kajeet allow administrators to grant students access to educational sites and to block them from accessing sites that are not school-related.
Educators may log into Sentinel at any time to track student online activity on their school-issued Kajeet devices - including both sites they successfully visit, as well as sites they attempt to visit but are blocked from. This data allows them to make informed decisions about what online tools are proving effective for their students, and which may need further evaluation.
Check out this blog to learn more about how the Kajeet Sentinel platform makes educators' lives easier.
Below, you will find the top 6 educational websites that were visited via Kajeet devices in 2025.
Top 6 education website